![]() Happy Saturday! Welcome to the tenth edition of this newsletter! I hope this weekend finds you well and you are ready to learn some new stuff. Publishing this newsletter by Friday evening was beginning to become challenging with the day job heating up. So instead of trying to rush through it under pressure, I have decided to send it out by Saturday afternoon/evening to buy myself some more time. You still get plenty of time to go through it and let me know how you like it. Better late than unpublished :) From the blog I didn’t write anything myself this week, but my good friend Bharath Reddy chipped in with this interesting piece about why he feels the next big leaps in artificial intelligence will come from unsupervised learning. With GPT-3 making waves the last few weeks, this topic is on many people’s minds. While we have made a lot of progress using ML and supervised learning, is unsupervised the way forward? Article Link This was the first guest post on this blog, and I am looking to make this a more regular feature. So if you are a hands on software practitioner and passionate about anything technical, I’d love to host your thoughts on this blog. Just drop a mail and we can discuss it. From the great interweb
That's it for this week folks. Happy weekend! -Kislay To change your subscription, click here.