Today is a big day in Rulette land! I want to make several big announcements.
The official home for Rulette is now the official home for all things Rulette! There’s tons of new information and freshly written documentation to get started with Rulette and to get deeply familiar with it. Do take a minute to explore it. This and my mailing list/blog will carry all future updates about Rulette. Sign up to the mailing list and stay updated – more articles, tips-and-tricks, etc are coming!
Rulette Server is GA

The first version of Rulette Server is now available for general use. This has been a couple of months in the making and I’m happy to announce that with this release, non-Java users can have first class access to the power of Rulette. The server exposes REST APIs for every operation that the Java SDK can perform. API documentation is available on SwaggerHub and a Docker image is available for the container-happy folks.
Even more awesome, Rulette server comes with a UI that you can use to navigate and manage your rule systems. Working with rule and collaborating with non-tech teams just got very easy! Don’t believe me? Check out this live instance (non-secure, but there’s nothing malicious, cookies etc there, so don’t worry) where you can play around with the UI.
Working with Rulette

I announced last week on social media that I had self-published Working with Rulette : Mastering Business Rule Management on Amazon. This is a compilation of all the Rulette documentation and a case study in a step-by-step, concise package. You can get a Kindle copy from Amazon (thank you very much!) or join the mailing for a free PDF version.
Rulette SDK Latest Version
As I had mentioned in a run-up post, Rulette SDK has received a lot of fix and new functionality over the course of developing Rulette server. If you are using Rulette now or plan to do, the new version (1.3.4) is absolutely worth checking out.
Support Rulette
A little support and external validation never hurt anyone! While I and the other contributors will continue to make Rulette an even more powerful tool for you, we sure would appreciate it if you show your love. If you use Rulette or like what you are seeing so far, here’s a few things you can do to join the gang.
- Consider using Rulette when you next encounter a case for rule management. Let me know if you want to know if your use-case fit. I’d be happy to have a quick chat.
- Reach out to us and others about Rulette has made your life easy. We love hearing tales from out in the wild.
- Request features, file bugs, and contribute code to the repositories (SDK and server) – that’s the power of open source!
- Consider buying “Working with Rulette” on Amazon. The book provides a complete reference to using Rulette for modelling business rules and the royalty from sales keeps the demo instance running.
- Support me on Patreon. Think of it as buying me coffee once a week 🙂
- Check other avenues for lending financial support on the home page.
Have questions? Want to find out more? Post your comments here or drop me an email.
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